What can I say? Not every day is action packed and full of excitement when you're living in a wormhole. Our neighboring C2 was, once again, colonized and empty of any combat sites. Our low sec exit was pretty deep into low sec. Since we had no need to do anything in K-space, anyway, we didn't find a reason to leave. I came home from work at lunch and found that a perimeter checkpoint had spawned. This was my chance to try out my shiny new Apocalypse. So away I went to see how fast I could knock it out.
I've got two accounts and two characters that I use in the hole. They're both pretty equally skilled at combat. One flies Amarr. Gragarius flies Caldari. For a while there I was running my Amarr pilot in a Harbinger while Gragarius flies his drake. I can not speak highly enough of the drake. If you're a newbish pilot just thinking about getting into wormholes then get into a drake first. The passive tank on a drake absolutely cannot be beat by anything that's within reach of a new pilot. My Amarr pilot in his Harbinger would have to warp out within just a couple of minutes of being targeted by sleepers. With Grag I can just ignore him and not worry about anything in a C2 breaking his tank as long as I follow the spawn triggers correctly. I did lose a Drake in the first week that we were in the system but it was right before an unscheduled downtime and the ship was replaced. Of course, now I wish that I hadn't even bothered putting in that petition because CCP took back my insurance payout and gave me a Drake that's in the middle of empire where I'll have to go out of my way to get to it.
Anyway, back to the Apocalypse. As usual I warped in with Grag and started chipping away at the sleepers. When I got close to the sirius towers I warped my Apocalypse pilot in on top of them so that he could start burning them down right away. The plan worked well and I had the site cleared and salvaged inside of 40 minutes. It usually takes me close to an hour when I'm solo. The biggest improvement of the Apocalypse over the Harbinger was that I could actually tank the sleepers. It still doesn't tank anywhere near as well as the Drake and by the time the site was done I had almost no cap left but with the Drake there it worked rather well. There's no way I could solo these sites in the Apocalypse, though. The sleepers neut so my cap would be toast long before I could kill everything. Those huge battleship guns can't hit the frigates, either. The Apoc is nice to speed things up but my Drake ended up doing most of the damage. I'm sure that if I devoted a lot more skill to my Amarr pilot that he'd be able to handle these sleeper sites easily by himself but he's my industry/mining character so that's just not feasible right now. After clearing the site I grabbed my Coercer and had everything salvaged and looted within five minutes. It yielded 8 melted nanoribbons along with everything else so I was happy. I'm not complaining about making 50 million isk in 40 minutes.
Anyway, back to work I went. I was hoping for another sleeper site last night but it wasn't in the cards. I got home from work and found nothing new. That same lowsec wormhole was still there, though. The real reason that I bought the Apocalypse was because we don't have another effective wormhole closer in the hole. So I fit 7 1600 mm plates and went to town on it. Within half an hour or so our exit was critical. I decided not to risk another jump. We had two untouched grav sites in the system, though, so I hopped in my Covetor to do some mining. Another corp member had already started on it the night before so I polished off the bistot rock that was still there and got a good start on the crokite before logging.
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8 years ago